Thursday, July 25, 2024

Summary of Legislative Changes

The Rhode Island Division of Taxation has posted a plain-language summary of tax changes that were enacted in the 2024 session of the Rhode Island General Assembly. 

Many of the changes were enacted in the budget bill for the 2025 Fiscal Year. Some additional changes were enacted in stand-alone legislation. 

Details are available in the Division's Summary of Legislative Changes.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Latest Administrative Decision

In the latest Administrative Decision, the issue addressed was whether the Taxpayer owes the Division's assessment for Tax Year 2020.

Details are contained in Administrative Decision 2024-17.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Latest Administrative Decision

In the latest Administrative Decision, the issue addressed was whether the Taxpayer owes the Divisions assessment for Tax Year 2019.

Details are contained in Administrative Decision 2024-16.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Newsletter Published

The Rhode Island Division of Taxation's Second Quarter 2024 newsletter has been published. Find all of the Division's newsletters on the newsletter archive page of the Division's website.